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Know the curiosities of New Year around the world

The last day of the year is a date to toast for the good things that have happened during this year, and to let go and these things we do not want to remember any more. Each country has its own traditions and its original way to dismiss the year, each one more...

New Year’s Eve in the USA.

One of the most famous places and that is always related to New Year’s Eve is NEW YORK. Although New York is always a good idea no matter when you want to go, it is the place where most people choose to celebrate Christmas. The tradition is to meet in Time Square. At 00.00, the square is crowded of people that meet to see a huge crystal ball going down. While the ball is going down, people start to count down in order to say goodbye to the last seconds of the year.

This tradition is so famous and typical that many are the places around NY that are imitating this custom in a similar way.

Other places in the USA with original traditions could be:

Other places in the USA with original traditions could be: Pasadena, where the party called “Roses Parade” is much known. It consists of a colourful spectacle with many parades with flowers that get to meet many people to say welcome to the New Year.

Orlando is the destiny chosen by many people during this period to celebrate the event. Here you can find Disneyland Park, the perfect place where children and adults have fun.

Orlando. Muchas personas en el mundo deciden tomar este destino como el elegido para pasar estas fiestas. Aquí podemos encontrarnos el Parque Disney. Un lugar perfecto para que grandes y pequeños tengan ilusión y crean en los sueños.

Chicago is another city where you can enjoy the most special events for these days. It is in this place where you can enjoy amazing fireworks from Michigan Lake, a spectacular show full of lights and colour.

People that are fan of extreme feelings and sensations, snow and sports would love to celebrate these years in Colorado. The Grand Canyon and Aspen are the best places to practise ski. Without any doubt, it is a very original way to celebrate New Year’s Eve.

It is in Los Angeles where is possible to attend concerts, ice skating and shows on the water. Celebrating New Year’s Eve in this city can make your days unforgettable. LA also stands out for the free entrance amazing parties of Long Beach, and for the most exclusives parties that take place at Queen Mary.

Other curious traditions.

In Italy is very famous to have lentils for dinner, it means richness and money. This is why this dish is a must in every Italian dinner during the 31st.

In Spain, the tradition says to eat 12 grapes with the first 12 seconds of the year in order to say welcome to new twelve months.

The Danish tradition commands to break the crockery after the New Year’s Eve dinner . It represents affection and good luck for the upcoming year.

In Philippines, the streets are decorated with polka-dots. People dress in that pattern, no matter which garment is. For them, the dots are synonym of richness due to their similarity to a coin.

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No matter where people spend this night, what matters is that is a special date to celebrate in the best way and with the people we love.

ONESIXONE wants to wish you a Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year. Wherever you celebrate this day, our best wishes are for you.